Hi everyone, I am more than happy to write something after what felt like forever, I am sure you all understand how udusok can be, which is why I decided to use some few minutes of my precious holiday time to kinda refresh your memory on 10 things we can all relate to as 100-Level udusok students, have fun reading it.

(1)LECTURES aren’t as we thought they'll be
. . . some of you though that lecturers will be kind enough to explain deep into a subject matter, unfortunately that’s not how its. I was having the same foolish thought too until one Day a lecturer solved a complete quadratic equation in three steps. WT-Eff ?! and then another physics lecturer taught and finished the whole “wave” topic in 2hours. Can you believe it?! Nah I can’t because I tried understanding and I failed.

(2)Then registrations : I am talking about course registrations, If you think true love is hard to find, then try looking for some HOD when you need his signature. I am sure you’ll reconsider.

(3)Queue queue everywhere :want ride a buss, it’s a queue. ICT?! It’s a queue. I thing somewhere in the near future, we will be queuing for no reason.

(4)BAD Friends : you ask them “how far with reading” and they tell you they haven’t started yet… believe me they did. Don’t be fooled… Udusok is full of students like that and you’ll be inside ruwa if you depend on them.

(5)HANDOUTS : To be honest, my first couple of weeks at danfodio was a bit funny, why? Because I don’t buy handouts then, all I do is take a topics name and do some research on it online or on my textbooks and then I’ll be walking like a boss thinking everybody is a fool to be buying handouts until just my first ever C.A at udusok ( what about that C.A ?! I’ll tell you later), but I want you to know after that C.A , I went straight to favours’ photocopy shop and bought N3,000 worth of handouts, that’s about all of them.

(6)That chemistry C.A : everybody including me taught its going to be so easy and cheap and that one can easily make his way by blab la bla English tricks… so nobody bothers to read, at that day… we were all excited before and after the C.A, for me: I though I’ll score something like 25/30 or like 19/30 to be honest. But, but, but after the results came out… I switched off my phone, because I scored 30/30. That was a joke by the way, I failed miserably but then I learned a lesson. LESSON: Always take care of past question papers first before anything. My genius friend score 4/30… guess my score.

(7)BUS Stop : if you are living inside sokoto, and you don’t have a ride, then I am sure there has to be that one time when you were late because of the long long bus line. I once wasted 1 hour on that line before a friend gave me a lift. It was so sad and funny and exhausting and it was what made my decision to move into school for my goodness. We all hate that bus stop especially on Monday mornings.

(8)Sokoooto is just really really hot : for us that have been here, its no big deal because we are used to it, but for some coming from a bit colder regions… I salute you for surviving and adapting to this mini desert. So so so hot.

(9)Venues : Danfodio having too many lecture halls, classes, labs etc … and because of that we all had one moment of complete dumbness about where a certain place is. During my first weeks… I suffered because I didn’t know where F14 is, and then later on it was EB Classes, PTF… Infact the only place I knew back then was energy research center and library. But now, hahhn almost everywhere.

(10)And then exams : Serious students got more serious while for some like us ( I don’t even know what kind of person I am) it got even funnier, because I was always busy watching movies and playing some games, although there was a point I stopped ( It’s called “Chem101 exam night” ) and I didn’t sleep that night because I was trying to make up for my C.A score and balance the play. And I was not alone, that night I am sure 99% of you reading this are either stuck with a question paper or your handouts. Chem101 exam was easy though.
Wait, did I mention sta113 C.A ?! Oh my god, that was so so hard I just don’t even know what I wrote… we were expecting some couple theory questions like “type 1” and “type 2” error blab la bla but then we got some serious hard exam questions ON OUR C.A, God have mercy on me because walahi that C.A hmmm. But I stood up to tackle it on exams and I did, and we did, and you did. One funny things is that there was thing question on exams but I wasn’t sure whether its Mann Whitney or Kruskal Wallis… so I prayed on my paper and chose something I won’t tell you.

(11)STA111 Exams and AGRIC 101 : also got my attention, I don’t take neither of them but from what ive been hearing from friends… sta111 was also tough… speaking of agric, is it true they did 70 questuons theory?! Rest in peace to AGR101 students.

(12)After all this drama, we were happy thing that maths department has forgotten about their C.A … Unfortunately they didn’t, they squeezed it right where we were busiest which adds to the stress I,you and every 100 level was already on. And the worst part?! Math didn’t repeat any past question on either their c.a or exams which left many students + me unconscious.

(13)But finally its all over now and I am at home chilling, my guys and my ex girlfriends are also at home chilling I think. I’ll be watching “The Originals” , “The Flash” , “Empire” etc

(14)One week holiday?! Seriously ?! I’ve plans for like 2 month and all they could give is one week holiday?! Thank you danfodio (ironically).

(15)There is no fifteen, I lied. oooops

I'll just manage that one week and sleep my head off + even more movies : Dr strange, waiting for games of thrones, waiting for FAST AND FURIOUS 8, The last man on earth, the magicians, how to single etc
Have fun, enjoy your holidays while I waste mine on useless things.

(1)LECTURES aren’t as we thought they'll be
. . . some of you though that lecturers will be kind enough to explain deep into a subject matter, unfortunately that’s not how its. I was having the same foolish thought too until one Day a lecturer solved a complete quadratic equation in three steps. WT-Eff ?! and then another physics lecturer taught and finished the whole “wave” topic in 2hours. Can you believe it?! Nah I can’t because I tried understanding and I failed.

(2)Then registrations : I am talking about course registrations, If you think true love is hard to find, then try looking for some HOD when you need his signature. I am sure you’ll reconsider.

(3)Queue queue everywhere :want ride a buss, it’s a queue. ICT?! It’s a queue. I thing somewhere in the near future, we will be queuing for no reason.

(4)BAD Friends : you ask them “how far with reading” and they tell you they haven’t started yet… believe me they did. Don’t be fooled… Udusok is full of students like that and you’ll be inside ruwa if you depend on them.

(5)HANDOUTS : To be honest, my first couple of weeks at danfodio was a bit funny, why? Because I don’t buy handouts then, all I do is take a topics name and do some research on it online or on my textbooks and then I’ll be walking like a boss thinking everybody is a fool to be buying handouts until just my first ever C.A at udusok ( what about that C.A ?! I’ll tell you later), but I want you to know after that C.A , I went straight to favours’ photocopy shop and bought N3,000 worth of handouts, that’s about all of them.

(6)That chemistry C.A : everybody including me taught its going to be so easy and cheap and that one can easily make his way by blab la bla English tricks… so nobody bothers to read, at that day… we were all excited before and after the C.A, for me: I though I’ll score something like 25/30 or like 19/30 to be honest. But, but, but after the results came out… I switched off my phone, because I scored 30/30. That was a joke by the way, I failed miserably but then I learned a lesson. LESSON: Always take care of past question papers first before anything. My genius friend score 4/30… guess my score.

(7)BUS Stop : if you are living inside sokoto, and you don’t have a ride, then I am sure there has to be that one time when you were late because of the long long bus line. I once wasted 1 hour on that line before a friend gave me a lift. It was so sad and funny and exhausting and it was what made my decision to move into school for my goodness. We all hate that bus stop especially on Monday mornings.

(8)Sokoooto is just really really hot : for us that have been here, its no big deal because we are used to it, but for some coming from a bit colder regions… I salute you for surviving and adapting to this mini desert. So so so hot.

(9)Venues : Danfodio having too many lecture halls, classes, labs etc … and because of that we all had one moment of complete dumbness about where a certain place is. During my first weeks… I suffered because I didn’t know where F14 is, and then later on it was EB Classes, PTF… Infact the only place I knew back then was energy research center and library. But now, hahhn almost everywhere.

(10)And then exams : Serious students got more serious while for some like us ( I don’t even know what kind of person I am) it got even funnier, because I was always busy watching movies and playing some games, although there was a point I stopped ( It’s called “Chem101 exam night” ) and I didn’t sleep that night because I was trying to make up for my C.A score and balance the play. And I was not alone, that night I am sure 99% of you reading this are either stuck with a question paper or your handouts. Chem101 exam was easy though.
Wait, did I mention sta113 C.A ?! Oh my god, that was so so hard I just don’t even know what I wrote… we were expecting some couple theory questions like “type 1” and “type 2” error blab la bla but then we got some serious hard exam questions ON OUR C.A, God have mercy on me because walahi that C.A hmmm. But I stood up to tackle it on exams and I did, and we did, and you did. One funny things is that there was thing question on exams but I wasn’t sure whether its Mann Whitney or Kruskal Wallis… so I prayed on my paper and chose something I won’t tell you.

(11)STA111 Exams and AGRIC 101 : also got my attention, I don’t take neither of them but from what ive been hearing from friends… sta111 was also tough… speaking of agric, is it true they did 70 questuons theory?! Rest in peace to AGR101 students.

(12)After all this drama, we were happy thing that maths department has forgotten about their C.A … Unfortunately they didn’t, they squeezed it right where we were busiest which adds to the stress I,you and every 100 level was already on. And the worst part?! Math didn’t repeat any past question on either their c.a or exams which left many students + me unconscious.

(13)But finally its all over now and I am at home chilling, my guys and my ex girlfriends are also at home chilling I think. I’ll be watching “The Originals” , “The Flash” , “Empire” etc

(14)One week holiday?! Seriously ?! I’ve plans for like 2 month and all they could give is one week holiday?! Thank you danfodio (ironically).

(15)There is no fifteen, I lied. oooops

I'll just manage that one week and sleep my head off + even more movies : Dr strange, waiting for games of thrones, waiting for FAST AND FURIOUS 8, The last man on earth, the magicians, how to single etc
Have fun, enjoy your holidays while I waste mine on useless things.
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