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We all know that MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 is finally out and some of us had already updated to that version, but what we all don't know ( or some us DON'T know ) is that while you think after installation the WINDOWS 10 folder can be deleted or was deleted, well it isn't.

In fact, there is a HUGE folder of about 3GB TO 6GB placed by MICROSOFT either in your local drive or hard disk.

This has been a big deal for those of you who are SPACE FREAKS and might NOT want anything that they DON'T manually put in to their PC.

in response to this,microsoft has issued a statement as follows:
" For individuals who have chosen to receive automatic updates through
Windows Update, we help upgradable devices get ready for Windows 10 by
downloading the files they'll need if they decide to upgrade," Microsoft said.
"When the upgrade is ready, the customer will be prompted to install
Windows 10 on the device."

This confirmed that USERS WILL WINDOWS AUTOMATIC UPDATE TURNED ON are open to receive the file for installation.

But even though this may sound cool to some, it's still very critical that MICROSOFT did NOT inform the users of those huge files living under their drives.

One user who witnessed the event ( Hehehehe more like who sees that scary folder ) gave a brief description :
** "its a huge 3.5GB to 6GB hidden folder labelled
'$Windows. BT'. I thought Microsoft [said] this 'upgrade' was optional. If
so, why is it being pushed out to so many computers where it wasn't
reserved, and why does it try to install over and over again?"

That's it for today.
But for security and privacy purpose : always look for files that other softwares are dumping in your PC and take care of the UNNECESSARY ones.

Info-guy .
Signing OFF.

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