Info-Guy has recently embarked into a journey of discovering a way to have a little buzz in your heads, since all that we've been discussing previously was kinda geeky, i decided to drop some funny, amazing and surprising facts you don't know about internet
( what you use everyday )...okay lets begin then:
This just make me feel like having my own domain!
Oops, do you think INFO-GUY has a security breach? Help us secure our little blog pls.
Wow this is cool.
Yeah i know that, Thanks to sir feichi.. At first, i don't even know what BOTS are! Sounds scary huh?
Guess what Nigerian domain before .ng is?
Aljazeera and BBC journalist should mark this.. US obama is NOT smiling.
Yo yo, there are dumb Americans too! Info-Guy knows that.
At first, i also have the same instincts that HTML is something dangerous, but with the help of SIR FEICHI again.. Believe i now even know RUBY is not good, it just have a nice name.
I know people that have possible addiction, and myself topping the list.
And now info-guy use it to chat on SKYPE
First its US and now BRITAIN? Thank God.. Africa has other kins.
Yeah i did that too! While trying to watch THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN 2 on YouTube yesterday. I hate that waiting.
Ok Philippines have THE SLUMP too.. Y'all know this.
Including my APOLOGY MAIL to my teacher for blogging while taking maths class. Yeah i am NOT joking.
Yeah sure.thats so not a suprise.
Yeah nigeria too, cox NOT all of us can afford APPLE PC
Have you gotten that sorta email from first bank? Be wise.. Real first bank will not ask for your account info.
Arios amigo! Is that even Spanish? Cox INFO-GUY has no idea what Italian or Spanish is!
Does this means firstbank's HI-FI is like this? Ok a quote from game of thrones : "sometimes all that one needs is a good name"
Ok this is the real change!
Ok that 6% plus me, sir feichi ,devaju and this funny guy who call himself achiever.. Hehehe what the heck did he achieve?
Ok from today ..let no single girl send LOL to me for a joke i didn't create.
( i am speechless here)
Yeah oh twice a yeah in lagos! Cox lagos right NOW is developing more than BEIJING is. #Africaisnext
Do i need to explain?
Yeah we'all know why marijuana has that influence now.. Again a quote from this American show called THE SOUP " when a police officer said you are arrested for driving under the influence of... " guess what? MARIJUANA
Ok, ADONBILIBIT... my nigerian pals knows what that means.
How did they even ascertain this fact? Did they stop google and internet or what?
I think i already said this one.. Sorry, my BAD.
And NOW? DID YOU KNOW? that my dad, then his brother, the his brothers wife gave birth to the above baby on Monday? Wow that's a fact you surely don't know.. PLUS
Did you also KNOW that i hate chemistry like DAMN.. Check out why!
Ok that's it for tonight's post, hope you enjoyed it.
Info-guy.. Signing OFF
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